Monday 29 March 2021

never had it so good

OECD countries account for some 1.3bn people (17% of the world's population) but around half of global GDP. Around 10% of the world's population live in extreme poverty, and the UN hopes to cut that to just three percent by 2030. As I write this and you read this, some of our fellow-human beings are starving to death. Not all of these people are beyond the reach of aid-agencies, among which the World Food Programme is pre-eminent. From our computers and smartphones, we can do something right now to feed the starving.

The suffering of those in poor countries contrasts with the luxury enjoyed by people in rich countries. The worldwide gambling-industry is estimated to be worth more than $66bn, compared with $8.5bn given to the WFP last year. The challenge is to get people into the habit of giving to famine relief. Research suggests giving to charity makes you feel good.